

In site.nix, a page is declared as an attribute set in the pages attribute, example:

pages = {
  about = {
    path     = "/about.html";
    template =;
    layout   = templates.layout;
  } // data.about;

Note: This example merges a data set in the page set, this is usual way to create pages from data.


During site generation, styx evaluates generatePage on each pages page.
generatePage definition is page: pages.layout (page.template page), it simply evaluates a page set by its template, and evaluate that result with the layout.
The generated page content is output in the page path file.

A simple example of a page is:

pages = {
  hello = {
    layout = template: "<html><body>${template}</body></html>";
    template = page: ''
      <h1>Styx example page</h1>
    content = "<p>Hello world!</p>";
    path = "/hello.html";

Will generate /hello.html with the following contents:

<html><body><h1>Styx example page</h1>
<p>Hello world!</p>

Helper functions

The standard library provide helper functions to generate multiple type of pages:

  • mkSplit: to split a data list between multiple pages, used to create archive like pages.
  • mkPageList: to generate a list of pages from a list of data.
  • mkMultipages: to split a multipage data between multiple pages.
  • mkTaxonomyPages: to generate taxonomy pages from taxonomy data.