Embedded media

The generic templates template theme provide templates that can be used in content to embed external media.

To use the generic template theme add it to the themes list of site.nix:

  themes = [

Youtube videos

{{ templates.media.youtube { id = "YbUPdv03ciI"; } }}

Vimeo videos

{{ templates.media.vimeo { id = "124510855"; } }}

Speacker deck presentation

{{ templates.media.speakerdeck { id = "0c32d0d17488429eaf6bc3278c1d0fc8"; } }}

GitHub Gists

{{ templates.media.gist { user = "dmalikov"; id = "613fa59063604e51d323"; } }}


{{ templates.media.giphy { id = "4yh9SoRl7QLjW"; height = 360; width = 480; } }}

Slide share

{{ templates.media.slideshare { embedCode = "60836660"; } }}


{{ templates.media.twitter { user = "nixos_org"; height = 600; } }}