
Content, also called as data in site.nix or the documentation, refers to the content used to generate a site.

Multiple formats are supported:

Multiple data formats can be mixed without trouble in the same site.

Nix data

Nix data can be used to create structured data, example from the agency theme data used for generating team information:

    img = "1.jpg";
    name = "Kay Garland";
    position = "Lead Designer";
    social = [
      { type = "twitter"; link = "#"; }
      { type = "facebook"; link = "#"; }
      { type = "linkedin"; link = "#"; }
    img = "2.jpg";
    name = "Larry Parker";
    position = "Lead Marketer";
    social = [
      { type = "twitter"; link = "#"; }
      { type = "facebook"; link = "#"; }
      { type = "linkedin"; link = "#"; }

Note: Nix data can be also be declared as a function so parameters can be passed to it.

Markup data

Markup data is data written in markdown or asciidoc format.

Each format is fully supported and allow some extra features.

Multipage content

The page separator <<< can be used to split a markup file in multiple pages:

## Lorem ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.


## Nulla facilisi

Sed turpis felis, luctus ac mauris nec, sollicitudin commodo urna. Etiam eleifend interdum velit, quis egestas elit commodo nec.


## Duis ex magna

Duis ex magna, ultrices non mauris eget, auctor dictum mi. In porta dictum finibus. Nulla ultricies nunc ut risus maximus, non maximus nunc elementum.

This page is a multipage post, use the navigation below to access the next page.